It isn't much but I did a test with animating a walk cycle today and applying it to one of my characters.
This was mostly a test for applying basic animation principals to a full character and the panning features of OpenToonz which to me seems easier than doing it in Krita or most other software which I know. I plan to use more of a combination of Krita with OpenToonz in the future for animations as OpenToonz seems to give more flexibility.
It's just 3 seconds but in case you are interested, if I wasted your time it's just 3 seconds (don't pay attention to the backgrounds, I put this together in just a few minutes to test the walk cycle):
EDIT: Oh seems I can also upload it here I think
Unfortunately the original base was much smoother than the end result.
Apart from that I have seen Tokyo Revelation today, has anyone else seen that anime? It's crazy.